Since 1985, Amitron has provided high quality printed circuit boards with remarkable speed and customer service. As one of the largest and most experienced printed circuit board manufacturers around, we take great pride in delivering world-class products and customer service. Our high-quality multilayer, double-sided and single sided printed circuit boards are supported by a dedicated staff with experience in all aspects of the PCB industry.
Our Philosophy
At Amitron, we only have one objective: "To save our customers money, time, and peace of mind". Reaching this goal is reflected in everything we do, from the speed in which we deliver our quotes, to the extent in which we test our circuit boards to ensure the highest quality, working with Amitron just feels "different".
So What's Different, Exactly?

Concentrated Expertise

Some PCB companies offer PCB design software, PCB manufacturing, and PCB assembly all under one roof. Instead of offering all these services and burying the costs for each and every customer, we decided to invest 100% of our time and energy into manufacturing the highest quality circuit boards at the lowest possible costs. From our engineers to our sales team, everyone at Amitron is focused on improving one thing and one thing only- our PCB manufacturing service. With extreme focus on one aspect of the PCB industry, we have gained a level of expertise that is unrivaled at many one-stop board shops. At the same time, we can still facilitate a complete circuit board solution through our valued partners that focus on design and/or assembly (this means concentrated expertise at all levels of PCB production).

Made in the USA (seriously)

While some PCB companies are simply brokers for foreign manufacturers, we have the luxury of producing quickturn prototypes, mid-range, and high volume circuit boards all in Illinois, USA. Our 72,000 square feet facility ensures that no circuit board order is too complex (or simple) for Amitron to handle- with quickness and care. By automating our processes and investing millions in our equipment, Amitron's technical capabilities continue to expand.

Offshore Capabilities

Instead of brokering jobs to foreign manufacturers, we decided to build our own facility in Southeast Asia to exercise complete control over the manufacturing process. This gives Amitron the ability to meet the needs of price sensitive customers, but never at the expense of quality.

Acquisition of Top Talent

With over 30 years in the industry, we've constantly adapted to trends and ever changing technology, but one thing that has remained constant is the quality of our people. Aside from being awarded for promoting industry-wide diversity, over the years, we've retained and continue to attract some of the brightest and accomplished professionals for each and every department.
  • Engineering (Our Brain)– develops new ways to save our customers money, time and peace of mind.
  • Production Floor (Our Hands)– improves processes and capabilities to bring PCB designs to life.
  • Sales & Marketing (Our Voice)- informs potential customers of what makes Amitron unique.
  • Customer Service (Our Heart)- provides the personalized attention and communication our customers deserve.
  • Management (Our Spine)– enables transparency between all departments and centering a strategy around our philosophy